Childcare, volunteers, construction updates, and neighborhood groups-
Childcare and Babysitting
Find affordable childcare and babysitters from UVA.
Find UVA volunteers for your organization or nonprofit.
Construction Updates
Subscribe to construction alerts and get the latest news about projects.
Neighborhood Groups
Stay updated on UVA events and construction near your home.
Free legal clinic appointment request
Get information about your legal issue, such as child custody, divorce, or landlord disputes, in a 30-minute appointment.
Reserve space at UVA
Request to reserve the UVA chapel or other spaces at UVA.
Report an environmental concern
Submit non-emergency environmental concerns or reports of illicit discharges regarding UVA construction work.
Buy furniture and business supplies from UVA
Learn more about buying and reusing UVA supplies and furniture at the ReUSE Store.
Contact the University-Community Liaison
Carolyn Mitchell Dillard